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Christ Church Cabin


“This project is exactly what the Church of England is about- placing a beautiful and valuable resource at the heart of the Norris Green community, for the worship of God and the service of all.  I’m proud to be associated with it!”


Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool

In October 2020 Christ Church opened  a new multi-purpose building to serve the people of Norris Green and provide a new home for worship in the parish.

The Cabin, as it is affectionately known, is a modular building, which offers flexible space.  Throughout the week it's used for our Community Cafe, Triple C activities Little Steps and Elevate, and church groups like Rooted and Youth.  On Sundays we gather there for worship.  To top it all, we have solar panels on the Cabin, helping the building to be more eco-friendly and more affordable for us to run.  

The facilities in the Centre (the old vicarage) offer more intimate and homely spaces as well as office space for Christ Church and Triple C.  

Our buildings are set in the beautiful garden, landscaped for us by all ages and often referred to as an Oasis.  


Come and see!  

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